PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Two weeks ago, Gromyko Wilson exposed cases of sexual harassment within the Government apparatus through his Facebook podcast, My2Cents. Wilson mentioned that the predator had struck again and that there was also a case within the Government building.
Wilson applauded the swift response of the Ministers of Finance and TEATT, who openly condemned the act. However, he expressed disappointment that only two female Members of Parliament, Ms. Roseburg and Mrs. Jansen-Webster, along with one male MP, Mr. Lewis, publicly addressed the issue.
“What happened to the remaining Members of Parliament?” Wilson questioned.
“You are the key players in changing and amending the civil and criminal laws of this country, which are already outdated. If you remain silent, you ignore a serious issue that both women and men in the private and public sectors face daily. Law enforcement officials are working with outdated laws that limit their ability to investigate and prosecute predators, particularly within the Government organization of Sint Maarten.”
According to Wilson, the only direct support he could offer the victims was to expose the wrongdoing on his social media platform, putting pressure on those in power to take the issue seriously.
“I know I am a social media influencer, and when I speak out, many people listen. Friends and family of the victims reached out to me, urging me to address workplace sexual harassment while also ensuring the protection of both the victims and the perpetrators’ identities,” Wilson said.
Due to the pressure Wilson placed on the issue, one victim from the police force broke her silence and spoke publicly. In time, one of the accused also came forward.
“Our fundamental and moral compass is quickly withering away. The government doesn’t seem to understand it is endorsing lawless attitudes and behaviors in workspace”
“In my opinion, the Minister of Justice has shown little interest in taking serious steps by failing to relieve this police officer of his duties while the investigation is ongoing. The same applies to the Prime Minister, given that the VSA Ministry’s case became a criminal matter after an official complaint was filed with the police. In the interest of maintaining a safe working environment at both the police station and the Government building, these individuals should be suspended pending the outcome of the criminal investigation,” Wilson stated.
“Police officers already work under stressful conditions to serve the public. They should not have to endure internal stress in their own workplace. The same applies to employees in the Government building. I urge the Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister to do the right thing and relieve these individuals of their duties until the investigation concludes. For public safety, I also remind the Minister of Justice to ensure that the officer in question is disarmed,” Wilson added.
Wilson continued, “I hope the Minister of Justice requests that the Attorney General assign National Detectives from Aruba, Bonaire, or Curaçao to investigate these cases. This would help avoid conflicts of interest, as those living here may have personal or professional ties to either the victims or the suspects.”
Wilson stands in solidarity with all victims of workplace harassment or bullying and urges Parliament and the Council of Ministers (COM) to expedite amendments to these laws.
Gromyko Wilson, is a well-known social media influencer and owner of 721news, also ran as a candidate for the NOW party in the August 2024 parliamentary elections. – #MeTooSXM!