“the culprit gives up himself”
Dear Editor,
I have been following your live “My2Cents” on Facebook and I applaud your outcry on the topic of sexual harassment on the workplace and the bravery of the lady Ms. Nicole James that reacted to go public with her ordeal and her open petition to the Parliament of Sint Maarten and the Government of Sint Maarten with the request to put policies in place that addresses this matter. She also addressed the Integrity Chamber. Rightly so.
It is very disturbing to hear about this issue playing within the Police Force and within a department of VSA. The public reaction to the topic is clear: unacceptable, period.
The trails of Letter to Editor, the comments on social media all speak for themselves.
Very surprisingly is the open letter to the editor “A Call for Accountability in the Sint Maarten Police”, which comes from a group of concerned police officers. Obviously, the group from within the organization knows best of what all is playing inside the Police Force.
In the Daily Herald newspaper of Monday, February 10, 2025 I read the article “WHO IS THE VICTIM” signed by Liandro R. Rombley, whereby he reacted to Ms. James’ article as the culprit to her ordeal and wanted to be considered the victim. What a character, a maniac. He speaks about having a flawless career while there are 8 to 10 complaints from several female officers, while he himself acknowledges 4 accusations.
How can that be seen as a flawless career? He must have a very sick mind. He is a dangerous creature. Mr. Liandro R. Rombley states in his article that today he holds the rank of Inspector (team leader) and also holds the function of Section Chief within the Detective Department, where he provides guidance to other team leaders and staff members. Was he promoted besides all of that?
In his article he speaks in defense of and for the organization leaders. This already proves that he feels that he can align himself with the organization leaders. Is that a tactic used to get the sympathy of the organization leaders again? Because now there is a new accusation made against him according to 721News again by another female colleague.
Obviously if there were any disciplinary measures taken against Liandro R. Rombley in the past, it sure did not help as he continues doing what he knows best and that is praying after his female colleagues with the blessings of the organization leaders. The Chief of Police is no different. A disciplinary measure can also be a written warning and that won’t halt this culprit. Instead of a promotion why not a demotion? And since he is a repeated offender with multiple accusations and no stopping with punishment received, then it’s time to take harsh measures against this culprit.
During the Press Briefing of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Prime Minister dr. Luc Mercelina answered to a question by Ms. Bibi Shaw of SMN-News regarding another case of sexual harassment within a department of VSA. The PM explained the process according to the regulations.
I am in full agreement with the honorable PM in its explanation. What the Honorable PM failed to understand is that those in authority like the heads of department and the different Secretary General failed to follow the same procedure as explained by him. They choose to shoved the complaints under the rug and in so doing the culprits continue with their wrongdoings. It is time to address the different Secretary General and department heads on their responsibilities as such and also to take measures against them when they fail. Because that is the reason that causes for the victims to turn to the media.
In the case of the ladies at the department of VSA, the actions started only after pressure from the media. In the case of Ms. James, which is an old closed case I read that The Honorable Minister of Justice, Ms. Nathalie Tackling reacted and stated that Internal Affairs, Landsrecherche and the Prosecutor’s Office investigated the matter and that the former government did not issue a formal response to KPSM on disciplinary measures they proposed for over one year. How come is that?
In the meantime, the culprit, Mr. Liandro R. Rombley strikes again and according to the Honorable Minister of Justice, Ms. Nathalie Tackling, that matter is now being investigated. We are still at Season 1 episode 1. I as many others join Ms. James in her plea to the Parliament of Sint Maarten, The Government of Sint Maarten and the Integrity Chamber to take the necessary measures to properly address the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Suzy down the road.