Digital Literary Magazine ‘Originsss’ Launches Online



Rotterdam – Over the weekend, Originsss Magazine officially launched its inaugural issue. Dedicated to highlighting the heritage, culture and identity of the people of St. Maarten, Saba and Statia and the Dutch Caribbean, the online publication aims to create a new platform for writers, creatives, photographers, poets and activists to share their work whether living on the islands or abroad.  

Based in Rotterdam, the magazine is primarily digital, available online for free and will be published quarterly. “From our forgotten histories to contemporary diaspora experiences, our mission is to be a space where the words, stories and creativity of our people will inspire, inform, educate, heal and unite. We are living in a very special time in our history; it’s confronting and enlightening and allowing for more activism and expression,” stated Editor-in-Chief Ludmila Duncan.

The inaugural issue features contributions by Lysanne Charles, Cadula Jones, Tracy Blijden, Stephie Gumbs, Massimo and Glenda York. It includes an article on the St. Maarten Museum by Amaris Richardson and a pictorial on the SMaatn National Cultural Parade with photography by RTGH Photography.

Duncan points out the growing energy and movement surrounding creative expression, activism, history and heritage research. “This first issue encompasses the pride, pain, love and longing we all experience as Caribbean people. I’m proud of the contributors for being brave enough to share their narratives and I’m excited about the future stories to come!”

Readers can explore the first edition of Originsss at The magazine welcomes contributions from writers, researchers, and creatives who want to share their perspectives with the world on topics from heritage and history to identity and culture.

For inquiries, contact [email protected]