MP Lake looking for action this week from new Supervisory Board and Completing Appointment of all Chief Executives

Member of Parliament (MP) Maurice Lake, who just returned from the IPKO Meetings in Holland would like to congratulate the new board members of NV GEBE, and is looking forward for the new board members to hit the “ground running” this week and bring back stability and a sense of direction to get things done in order for the utility company to move forward.
“GEBE is in dire need of leadership and a sense of direction to start getting the company back on track to start serving the people of St. Maarten. It is high time we restructure NV GEBE with putting the right people in the right positions in the best interest of the company.
“I have always said that NV GEBE have the best local professionals and engineers and employees on the island to take the company to the next level in electricity production, with leadership and organizational integrity.
I am very confident that with the vision of the Government; by having a new board and a complete managing director’s board in place, along with supervisors and staff of NV GEBE, they will put the right policies in place in order to start executing our National Energy Policy, projects for the people and addressing the organizational leaks that is giving the company a negative image.
“As a Member of the Coalition of Eight, it’s high time within this new week the newly appointed Supervisory Board completes the process to appoint all of the new managing directors which is the CEO, COO and CFO based on the Corporate Governance Council’s advice.  We have a lot of major projects to start executing within our National Energy Policy such as, a solar farm, alternative energy and waste to energy, the latter which is necessary to get rid of the landfill (dump) on Pond Island.
“Alternative Energy was a big discussion during the IPKO Committee meetings in which each island has to develop their own “strategic individual action plan” based on our National Energy Policy. A five to 10 year step by step action plan is necessary where we plan every year to accomplish these projects.
“NV GEBE can also restart some of their ongoing community projects such as putting water tanks in the different districts such as in St. Peters/ Marigot Hill and Cole Bay; office branches to better serve the community; improve on upgrading street lights in the different districts and many more community projects which is already on the company’s budget, and these will create jobs and lead to additional economic activity.  I believe that little things like fixing a light or improved water lines makes a big difference in the community and NV GEBE needs to get back to basics in this area.
The planning stage is over; it is now time to hit the ground running and to continue executing our Coalition projects in the general interest of the people.
“In closing, NV GEBE needs to start training and developing their entire staff to better serve the community. Give every staff member the opportunity to grow and climb up the ladder in every position within their company. We need to start putting the right people in the right position but also putting our people first.

“I am looking forward where the newly appointed Supervisory Board gets NV GEBE up and running for the employees and most of all for the people of St. Maarten,” MP Maurice Lake said.