SABA News: Rules for Saba Carnival 2016 and Wilson presents Certificate of Appreciation to Willis Lucas


Rules for Saba Carnival 2016

“It came to our attention that there are some concerns about supposed new rules and regulations for Carnival. With this message, the Governor and the Saba Festival Foundation want to set the record straight,” a release said.

“No new rules or regulations have been set for carnival by the Public Entity. A number of organizations have worked together on an awareness campaign in which Carnival attendees are asked to have fun in a responsible way. The following points have, for example, been given to take into consideration:

To think about to which carnival activities and on what times you take your children. There are some adult-oriented nights; To prevent hearing loss and personal injury; To not get involved in fights; To remain sun safe and hydrated; To protect yourself against mosquito bites.

All safety partners are working together with the Saba Festival Foundation to make Carnival a fun and safe event. Of course, the law remains applicable. We ask everybody to uphold it.

Because it came to our attention that not all drivers in the parade might have the appropriate driver’s license, an extra exam date has been set to make sure that all drivers have the appropriate license.”

Commissioner Wilson presents Certificate of Appreciation

THE BOTTOM, Saba – Yesterday, Wednesday, July 20, in the courtroom of the Government Administration Building, Commissioner Rolando Wilson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Willis (Willy) Lucas for 20 years of dedicated service to The Public Entity Saba.

Commissioner Wilson recognizes the commitment and motivation of Lucas, and hopes that his actions can inspire others to be as dedicated in their careers.