Educational meeting for Caribbean Netherlands


SABA/St. EUSTATIUS/BONAIRE – The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the Public Entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are joining forces in the further professionalization of the local government.

In this context, on Monday, August 15, and Tuesday, August 16, the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations together with host island Saba will hold an educational meeting with the working title “the two-day.”

Participants are Island Governors, Commissioners, Island Council members, Island Secretaries and registrars of Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire.

The development ambitions of Caribbean Netherlands are on main lines laid down in the Multi-annual Programmes 2015-2018. These are once again endorsed in the Government’s response to the Spies Commission Evaluation Report, to the functioning of the legislation, the new administrative structure and the effect on the population.

The “two-day” is especially dedicated to personal development and the concerted efforts within the administration. A day is reserved for both themes. Both days consist of courses, interactive workshops or forms of group review by professional trainers and experienced (former) Directors.

The “two-day” also offers opportunities to work together to review and preview the in-depth training courses to be organized in the coming months.

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