Formateur gives update on screening process

Prime Minister William Marlin

PHILIPSBURG – Formateur/Prime Minister William Marlin explained that the screening process of the candidate ministers was once again prolonged due to the disruption in the government network.

“I know everyone was expecting the final reporting on Tuesday, [November] 8, [however] it did not materialize for several reasons, one of them being that we did not receive the final reports on all the candidates, which we hope to receive today from the Public Prosecutor’s office,” the Prime Minister added.

The hope was to receive the final reports Wednesday, November 9, however, some were missing. There were a couple candidates who had paperwork to receive from the Tax and Receiver’s Offices. The setback was due to the network failure throughout the government entities. “These things have caused a delay, among other things, but we still do not have the final report,” Prime Minister Marlin disclosed.

When the remaining reports become available, the process will begin to start the final report for submittal to the Governor.