PHILIPSBURG – The Judge of Instruction released Pompei suspect R. Rondei on November 10, after he did not find it necessary to keep him longer in pre-trail detention.
The prosecutor, who has the right also to appeal the Judge’s decision, did so the following week seeing that the following day was an official holiday (St Maarten day) in St. Maarten.
The appeal is usually done via the High court, which is based in Curaçao. On November 11, it was not an official holiday in Curaçao, which the prosecution team failed to realize and filed the following week.
Rondei attorney Shaira Bommel confirmed to 721news that because the appeal filed by the Prosecutor was late, that made it possible for the appeal court to rule in Rondei’s favor and grant him the right to remain free pending the investigation.
Rondei was released under conditions and has to be available to the prosecution team so they can continue the investigation into the Pompei case. In the meantime L. Rog, another suspect in the same case, was also released by the Judge of Instruction on Tuesday November 22. The Prosecutor’s office, in a press release, stated that Rog will remain a suspect in this case.
The other two suspects Meyers and Florentina pre-trial detention was extended on Tuesday by the Judge of Instruction with 60days more.