MP Heyliger: Questions lack of a Minister of Tourism and Economy



PHILIPSBURG – The United People’s Party Leader the Honorable Member of Parliament Theo Heyliger is very concerned that the country still does not have a Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, and is wondering why the present NA/USP/DP coalition is so quiet.

“It’s remarkable how silent this coalition is today in regards to their lack of having a Minister, to complete the present Council of Ministers.  The most important portfolio in Government, as tourism drives our economy remains unfilled for several months, and it seems that we are on a rudderless ship as the economy nosedives without any direction being provided, “said MP Heyliger.

“The UP Party was subjected to endless comments and persons good characters were dragged through the rumour mill when we were going through the formation of a government. Today, goose and gander politics seems not to be a fair balance when it applies to the present coalition,” MP Heyliger said.

“When will this process to finalize a Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs finally materialize? Was a new candidate submitted for screening?  If so, what is the status of the process?  Is it nearing completion?  Did this person fail the process?  If so, has a new candidate name been submitted?  If so, when did this take place?  The people of this country deserve to know!” questioned and stated MP Heyliger.

“It’s time this coalition gets it act together especially knowing tourism is our main economy pillar and be transparent with respect to this vital position,” MP Heyliger concluded.