PHILIPSBURG – The Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben office in St. Maarten, which caters to the islands of St. Maarten, Saba and Statia with providing funding opportunities for social endeavours, has relocated from its original office space on Back Street, to Van Goghstraat 4, Unit 1 (KPMG Building), in Madame Estate.
The office relocation was necessary to provide a more accessible office space for interested NGOs to inquire into funding opportunities and meetings related thereto.
The Samenwerkende Fondsen, also known as the Cooperating Foundation for the Dutch Caribbean or SFC, came into existence as a collaborative funding effort for the Dutch Caribbean. It is supported through 5 Dutch funding agencies, namely: Oranje Fonds, Kansfonds, Innovatiefonds, Fonds Sluyterman van Loo and Kinderpostzegels. All with a focus on social endeavours executed by socially-oriented organizations on all Dutch Caribbean islands.
If someone is interested in learning more about these initiatives or the funding opportunities SFC has to offer, contact [email protected] or call 586-0808. If persons wish to pass by the office, it is recommended to make an appointment first via phone or email.