Business Professional Women Concordia commemorates treaty



Marigot, Saint Martin – The Business Professional Women Concordia (BPWC) would like to congratulate the people on both sides of the island in commemoration of the Treaty of Concordia.

BPWC has chosen its name based on this 370-year-old partition treaty, which was signed on March 23, 1648, where French and Dutch settlers agreed that they should coexist in a cooperative manner.

“We know that together we are stronger and unity brings freedom,” said Danielle Chance of BPWC

Ms. Chance further stated that BPWC is working together with their members from both sides of the island in order to achieve common goals, knowing well that our social and economic issues do not stop at the borders.

“We are so very proud to be a part of and to celebrate this unique and historical moment, and wish every St Martiner a happy commemorative day: partition treaty,” said Chance.