Labour’s team for the upcoming general elections provides the hope for St. Kitts and Nevis, says Dr. Drew

Dr. Terrance Drew


Basseterre, St. Kitts, – The St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party’s team of youth and experience for the next general elections provides the hope that St. Kitts and Nevis needs.

Chairman of the SKNLP, Dr. Terrance Drew said the youths elected to the party’s National Executive Committee is a true reflection of the demographics in St. Kitts and Nevis.

“The youth must know that your place is with the SKNLP. This shows that our party is serious about transition. Our leader has been saying that he cannot be here forever. He not only speaks the words, but the youth in leadership is a true reflection. No other party in this federation can match us. None,” Dr. Drew said.

He said the Labour Team has the experience in the wise leadership of former Prime Minister Dr. Douglas, who was re-elected by a democratic process.

“No other can match us. We are the oldest (party). He is the most experience in our federation. He brought our country through five major hurricanes in the 90’s, transformed this economy from a failing sugar-based economy to a tourism, service and financial-based economy. He oversaw the housing revolution which sheltered thousands of families; the land distribution initiative, which made thousands more land owners; the tertiary level education policy aimed at ensuring each family had university-educated members thus eradicating the sharp class divisions that existed under the previous PAM administration of 1980 to 1995. It means a person from Sandy Point or Cayon can eat in the same restaurant as the man who lives in Frigate Bay. He has been a force for good. I salute our distinguished leader, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas,” said Dr. Drew.

The medical internist said the next Labour Team will reflect the citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis.

“It is a team that will serve you. A team ready and poised to take the reins of leadership in this country with a mixture of men, women, youth and experience. I am asking that you give us that chance to serve you. This team provides the hope that our beloved nation so desperately needs, especially at a time when there is a dark cloud over our nations with the plethora of scandals.

“They are dime a dozen. The EC$1 million spent on the Prime Minister’s private residence, the herpes scandal, the stem cell scandal, the Lanny Davis payment scandal, the MRI scandal, the Peter Virdee Bribery scandal,” said Dr. Drew.