MECYS Launches Literacy Week with a Read-a-thon



BETTY ESTATE, Sint Maarten — The Ministry of Education Culture Youth and Sports through its program ‘Education On the Move’ launched a Read-a-thon to celebrate Literacy Week on Thursday afternoon. The first readers were the Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Education Culture Youth and Sports, the Honourable Wycliffe Smith and Xavier Blackman. Their audiences were students in the Community Afterschool Program of the Methodist Agogic Centre- John A. Gumbs campus.

Minister Smith revisited his days as an elementary teacher and brought his own collection of books to share with the children. After an introduction to the many different types of books, including his own published works, he read the Bible story of Samuel, the child prophet, from his favourite book called “The Book”.

Following this, Smith read some Dr. Zeus stories, much to the children’s delight. The Minister also shared books about Sint Maarten, our local cultural icons and our heritage. With his closing story from Dr. Zeus, Smith encouraged the children to keep their eyes open so they can read and learn. The children also had their lesson to share with Minister Smith by demonstrating to him how to read a book from the smartboard.

The Literacy Week Read-a-thon will continue with other After-school programs and many other volunteer readers through to September 14. The Minister of Education encourages all schools, corporations and government agencies to promote reading daily.