Philipsburg detention cells near completion



Great Bay, Sint Maarten – For years the quality of the Sint Maarten prison cells has been up for discussion. One of the locations that was heavily criticized are the Philipsburg Police Station cells. One of the sources that pointed out the shortcomings of the facility is the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT). They came out with a report in which they made several recommendations.

Today we are happy to report that over 70% of the recommendations have been followed and concluded with success. The cells have all been deep cleaned and painted. All floors have been renovated and the lights have been replaced and adjusted to meet international standards. The airing space has also been cleaned and painted. All the work was done by detainees who, under strict supervisor, came in daily from the Point Blanche location.

Minster De Weever thanked the project team and all those who assisted. A lot has been accomplished within a short time period despite our financial challenges. “This type of work is very time consuming, and we are aiming to do all repairs in such a manner that we meet Human Rights standards as well,” said Minister De Weever.

The facility contains  9 cells. It also includes space to air and a meeting room where the detainees can meet with their representation.