Yet another blow towards the legislative branch of SXM.

A patriot looking into the injustice on SXM


People of Sint Maarten is the actual government not paying attention or just being ignorant to things that happen In front of their nose? Do you remember this news releases?
“Justice ministry loses another case in court”. This news was circulating in the media on the 22 January 2021 where again the reason for un-updated legislation has been the reason for government losing yet another similar case based on the same faulty laws of the land.

Yet that was the second case that the lawyer won based on the same merits as the one in May 2017. The article stated like this “This is the second time a precedent has been set by Brooks and Associates in terms of the wrongful application of an off-island requirement imposed by the Minister of Justice,” stated Brenda Brooks of Brooks and Associates.

The first case Brooks won at the Appellate Court regarding the rejection of a director citing the off-island requirement dates back to May 8, 2017, in which the court ruled that the off-island requirement is not an absolute rule, but merely a basic principle to which there are exceptions. The essence of that judgment was that once someone is within their legitimate stay in St. Maarten an application for residency can be submitted without the applicant being required to leave the island and await the decision abroad.”

Doesn’t our legislative branch who lately has been doing a lot of grand stands ain’t looking
into these things and try to correct wrong doings that is happening right under their nose?

This simply shows the negligence of the former and existing government. Government after government comes and goes and yet no one pays attention to basic things. A case that was called in 2017 now another case in 2021 ; 4 years after has again been won based on the same principles. And this is just one of the many cases that government loses hat hit the media. And the government end up having to pay 3250 Ang guilders because of not having proper advisors in place to advice the minister properly and or laws not being adjusted accordingly.

How much years is required for changes to be seen? Who is fooling who? Shouldn’t we learn from our mistakes? So in 10 10 10 the country break itself lose at this rate I’m even asking myself if the breaking lose was the best thing at this point because it’s just getting worst.

Government is providing legal assistance to people takes the government itself to courts. And to my understanding the yellow card that they get for legal assistance is of a max of 15K to be paid out to the lawyer handling the case which most of the time is the same law firms. I am watching at a parliament that decides to hold a meeting for paper bags usage instead of looking into laws that are of importance for the well-being of the people of Sint Maarten that is losing jobs everyday based on injustice being committed to its citizen.

Whose interest is the justice system protecting is mostly the question? A system that only is for the Dutch, that protects the Dutch interest. People of Sint Maarten open all your eyes see what’s cooking as it smell like rotten egg covered with parmesan cheese! For all of you that believe that Holland is out to assist this country wake up and smell the coffee! We will analyze this in my next article stay tune.

Author: A patriot looking into the injustice on SXM