Audit team Sint Maarten starts business compliance tour

Minister of VSA, Omar E.C. Ottley


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The Audit Team Sint Maarten (ATS) has started a general compliance control tour within the Business Community. The compliance control tour is an
opportunity for ATS to work together with the Business Community to ensure correct processing of calculations and payment of social premiums. The tour consists of inspections on new and existing companies, controls on companies who received SSRP funds, 2021
wage audits and general compliance.

“The compliance tour is a great opportunity for the business community to ensure that their administration is up to date and find workable solutions with the ATS team for any SZV outstanding’s or irregularities. Compliance is a shared responsibility and collaboration
is one of the ways we can achieve this.” – Minister of VSA, Omar E.C. Ottley

ATS is calling on all companies to cooperate in providing up to date company mutations to SZV through the Employer Portal via . The portal offers 24/7 online access to submit ZV/OV declarations, download payment confirmations, submit employee mutations and submit employer requests such as payment arrangements for outstanding premiums.

ATS was established in 2016 by Social & Health Insurances SZV with the main objective to increase compliance in payment of the legally indebted social security premiums and to promote that all companies pay their fair share in accordance with the Social Security Ordinances. Companies are always encouraged to make a proactive effort to maintain open channels of communication with SZV and ATS, as their partners in compliance.