Minister of Justice reacts to court ruling in connection with KPSM Class of 2011



Minister of Justice Anna Richardson

PHILPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Minister of Justice has taken note of the court decisions rendered yesterday in favor of Police officers, seeking to obtain correction of a National Decree issued earlier this year, under a penalty to be granted by the court.

Even though this decision is not rendered against the Minister of Justice, the underlying matter is of great importance to the Ministry, as the long overdue rectification of the position of this particular class of 2011, following an agreement signed with the former Minister of Justice, is addressed.

In this particular case the Ministry of Justice, upon receipt of the request for the correction to the National decrees to be made, which were found to have merit, sought to utilize the opportunity to include in the correction the position of these Police officers beyond the date mentioned in the agreement on which the requested correction was based. In the advice to correct the promotions due were recommended to be included up to the most possible current date. In line herewith the advice and National decree were drafted and submitted for completion by the Governor.

The expectation is that the Officers will receive the new decrees within short. It is unfortunate that the decrees were not issued as yet, even though in process for some time. In its totality definitely unacceptable given the time it has taken to address the requests of the officers.

As Minister of Justice, I have vowed to correct what has been pending for the past years, and although this make take a couple of months for the current team to address the many matters pending, the necessary work is and will continue to be done. This may not occur as fast as many would hope, however with the imminent signing of the function book proper placement of Justice workers across the board, will finally occur.

Having great appreciation for the entire Justice workers core, I will continue to work to enhance their positions, as they work to enhance our lives with their dedicated service. The true victory is not in the decision or the mere receipt of the National Decree, but in the content of the National Decree containing the most updated position of the officers.