MP Arrindell questions VSA Minister concerning SZV insurance coverage for our senior citizens


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten —
In a press released MP Akeem Arrindell questions Minister of VSA concerning SZV insurance coverage for our senior citizens where many are having unnecessary hard times within our country for which I would like clarification.

  • Why is the intention of SZV to have the 60+ insurance offered to the seniors as a last alternative, and only when no other medical insurance can be obtained?
  • This can lead to serious issues for our elders within the community as at the older ages is when medical issues are normally more common than in our younger healthier years.
  • Are we telling our population it’s okay to pay high premiums while able to work, but once retired and on pension we will take away your health insurance? And if we do cover you, we will take 10% of the already little pension amount  that you will receive to cover such.
  • What happens to all those paid premiums but medical insurance never been used?
  • Another concern is to know if pensioners have been receiving their pension payments in a more timely manner to allow them to also meet deadlines on payments for services, such as for GEBE, Telem, etc. avoiding them disconnections, late fees, reconnection fees, etc?
  • Our sister islands make these same payments on or before 24th of each month, while our seniors locally wait until the 29th or even into the following month to collect the same.
  • I need to know why can’t we get this right?

My concern is that those who contributed all their lives to this country and then once on pension they are being pushed aside and neglected.

Should we wait until we are personally effected before we say or do something about this? Our people deserve better.

As Minister of VSA I recall your mission statement mention to promote a healthy and social supportive community and to secure accessibility to health insurance and social security systems. Having said such I ask you to put a stop to these practices and that more attention and focus be given to our seniors.