Grisha requests meeting with Prime Minister Jacobs on fall-out of Dutch Government’s collapse



Grisha requests meeting with Prime Minister Jacobs on fall-out of Dutch Government’s collapse. Cites risks of being dependent on politically unstable Kingdom Partner.

In a press release issued on Sunday afternoon, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten stated that she has sent a letter to the President of Parliament and Chair of the Committee of General Affairs with the request to convene a meeting with the Hon. Prime Minister as soon as Parliament resumes after summer recess.

The objective of the meeting is to discuss recent developments in the Netherlands, and in particular the fall of the Rutte IV Cabinet.

“During a joint press briefing on July 18th with fellow MP Sarah Wescot-Williams, we expressed our serious concerns about the number of important issues that are pending to be addressed and the number of outstanding Parliament meetings to be called and finalized. 

And now we can add to that list  or important issues yet another collapse of a Dutch Government only two and a half years into its term, and after it took close to a year to be formed.,” Heyliger-Marten stated.

In her letter, she stated that the current political situation in the Netherlands, and in particular the underlying reasons for the collapse of its last two Governments within two years (i.e. the Child Allowance Scandal and the failure to agree on an immigration policy) again underscores the risks of being dependent on a nation which does not have its own house in order, despite all its unlimited financial and other resources and global geo-political significance and influence. 

As such, significant and meaningful constitutional reform within the Kingdom seems needed now more than ever before, according to Heyliger-Marten.

She ended her letter with the request to include the following agenda points in the meeting with the Prime Minister: 

  • The status refinancing of the COVID-19 liquidity loans and conditions set by the Dutch Government for favorable interest conditions;
  • The status of the execution of MP George Pantophlet’s motion for debt cancellation in relation to the proposal for private refinancing of (part of) St. Martin’s debts as sent to the Hon. Prime Minister by Mr. Miedema.; 
  • The Kingdom Conference scheduled for December of 2023 in relation to the execution of the van Raak c.s. and Bosman c.s. motions;
  • The status of the execution of the country packages;
  • The proposal for vetting of the Kingdom Charter and other Kingdom laws against international law.