Integrity Chamber Provides Integrity Sessions to Primary Schools 



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — As part of its task of promoting integrity within various sectors of the public, the Integrity Chamber  has started providing integrity sessions to primary school students. In the month of October, the  sixth-grade students of the M. G.
De Weever, Ruby Labega, Martin Luther King Jr, and the Oranje  School, all participated in integrity sessions.  

The sessions highlighted the importance of integrity, with a focus on characteristics that can be  associated with integrity, such as honesty, kindness, and fairness. The students were asked what  the word ‘integrity’ means to them and were shown short videos, which demonstrated the concept  that integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.  

The students were then given the opportunity to react to the videos depicting various scenarios, in  which the characters were given the choice on how to act. During and after the videos, students  were asked to share their opinions on the decisions of the characters, the consequences that  followed, and what they would have done in that scenario. 

Members of the Integrity Chamber Rafael Boasman and Hans Lodder were pleased by the level of  engagement and the interest shared by the students.  

The Integrity Chamber expressed its thanks to the schools that participated for accepting the  invitation and looks forward to continually supporting the community with similar endeavours.

For  more information on the Integrity Chamber, visit the website at: