Serious accident on Bush road intersection with Zagersgut road



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Central Dispatch received a distress call on February 11th, at approximately 04:00 AM, reporting a serious accident at the intersection of Bush Road and Zagersgut Road. The accident involved a black Ford Jeep and a motorbike.

Preliminary information indicates that the black Ford Jeep was traveling on Bush Road from the direction of Winston Churchill Roundabout towards the Prince Bernard Bridge. Simultaneously, a motorbike was approaching from the Prince Bernard Bridge. The accident occurred when the black Jeep maneuvered towards the left, resulting in a collision between the two vehicles.

As a result of the collision, the rider of the motorbike sustained a deep cut to his face and had to be transported by ambulance to the St. Maarten Medical Center for treatment. His condition remains serious but stable.

The investigation into the incident will be conducted by the Traffic Department to determine the circumstances leading to the accident.

The KPSM (Korps Police of St. Maarten) once again urges all drivers to exercise caution when operating a vehicle on the road. Safety should always be the top priority to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring.