2024 SMVTS Career Fair



The St. Maarten Vocational Training School’s (SMVTS) annual Career Fair took place on Tuesday 27th February, 2024.  The theme of this year’s fair was “Build Bridges and Benefit”.  It was evident that bridges were built, especially with organizations that participated for the first time.  First time participants which were also booth favourites were, Excellent Drivers Driving School, Ferocity Beauty, Labelleart and The Royal Funeral Home.  Our loyal participating organizations in attendance were TELEM N. V., University of St. Martin, NIPA, Government of St. Maarten’s Ambulance Department, Fire Department, Collective Prevention Services, St. Maarten Library, St. Maarten Medical Center, Red Cross and White and Yellow Cross. 

Student ushers welcomed and served the organizations during the day.  The remainder of the student body visited each booth set up in classrooms throughout the SMVTS campus.  Students networked with the participating organizations via discussions, presentations and demonstrations, to get a better understanding of job training and employment opportunities within these organizations that are available to them. The event, organized by the SMVTS Career Counselor, Ashayna Nisbett, was deemed a success by all. She hopes that by hosting these events annually, new organizations will also want to participate and support our future workforce.  SMVTS is extremely thankful to everyone who made time to motivate and build bridges with our school and our students. Feel free to visit the Facebook Page: SMVTS for pictures of the event.