NOW warns public to beware of instigators, focus on progress

Nation Opportunity Wealth (NOW) Party


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Board of the Nation Opportunity Wealth (NOW) Party on Thursday issued a strong warning to the people of St. Maarten to remain vigilant against the instigators within the opposition parties. These parties, having spent four years in government without making any significant progress, are now attempting to mislead the public by trying to cover the fact that their fingerprints are all over the country’s shortcomings.

“Remember why you voted them out in January. You recognized that you deserve better. Thus far they have reminded you why they didn’t deserve your vote,” the NOW said.

The opposition parties, after manipulating the fall of the government, are now struggling to find issues to campaign on. They are trying to deceive the public into believing that the current government, which has been in office for a mere seven weeks, should have already resolved the numerous problems left behind by the former administration. This tactic is not only disingenuous but also a blatant attempt to deflect from their own shortcomings and failures.

“During their tenure, these opposition parties had ample opportunity to address the pressing issues facing our nation. Instead, they squandered four years without delivering any meaningful results. Now, in a desperate bid to regain power, they are resorting to fear-mongering and misinformation,” the board of the NOW said.

The NOW Party remains steadfast in its commitment to transparency and truth. From the grassroots level up to the highest echelons of our organization, we pledge to continue serving the people of St. Maarten with honesty and integrity. We are dedicated to tackling the challenges facing our nation head-on and implementing sustainable solutions that will benefit all citizens.

“We urge the public to see through the manipulative tactics of the opposition and to trust in the NOW Party’s vision for a prosperous and united St. Maarten. Our focus is on real progress and genuine improvement, not on empty promises and baseless accusations. As we move forward, the NOW Party will remain committed to keeping the people informed and engaged. We believe in the power of unity and the strength of our community,” the party concluded.