Sint Maarten Library facilitates educational excursion engaging in the value of  sharing 



During summer time, students can learn new concepts or reinforce what they have learned during  the school terms. The Sint Maarten Library joined the Creative Learning Disney Camp,  incorporating the theme of “Anything Disney” to teach children the importance of sharing. 

The Sint Maarten Library welcomed 26 children, ages 2 to 10, and began with a brief introduction  to library services, explaining the relationship between the library and its young users. The  children enjoyed a personalized tour based on age- appropriate collections, followed by a short  YouTube clip of Sesame Street’s “Cookie Monster at the Library” which in a humorously  entertained and educate the young audience the proper library behavior.  

The Disney Campers were divided into three age groups, with each group participating in a reading  promotional session featuring a book focused on the theme of “Sharing.” 

St. Dominic Community Based Learning student Jada Benfield read to group I., consisting of ten youngster’s ages 2 to 6 from Mercer Mayer book “ME TOO! This heartwarming picture book  celebrates the value of sharing. Following the reading, the children engaged in a hands-on painting  activity, using a shared white poster to display their innocence in a collaborative art piece that  reflected their sharing abilities. 

Group II. Seven children, ages 7 to 8, listen to the retold Russian folk tale by Katie Daynes “The  Enormous Turnip”. This story illustrated the importance of teamwork and unity, as all the  characters worked together to achieve their goal. The children used a green poster to create their  masterpiece, incorporating green, white and yellow to symbolize hope, happiness, innocence, and teamwork.  

Group III. Nine children, age 9 to 10, listened to the story of “I CAN : Make A Difference” by Mariam  Laundry read by the children and youth librarian Mariland Powell. The children received a yellow  poster, which they decorated with poems, quotes, and glitter to highlight their youthfulness,  optimism, and happiness, displaying the difference that sharing can make. 

Additionally, all the children watched a complementary YouTube video clip of “All dogs goes to  heaven: What’s yours is mine” and coloring pages related to the theme of sharing.  

This initiative underscores the Sint Maarten Library’s commitment to fostering literacy and  providing educational experiences for the community.