InselAir non stop service from Curacao to Manaus and Puerto Ordaz


InselAir non-stop service from Curacao to Manaus and Puerto Ordaz

Willemstad – Curacao. InselAir will start its Curacao-Manaus operations on July 3rd on Mondays and Fridays. Puerto Ordaz flights start on July 14th and will be flown on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The largest Caribbean-based carrier offers its customers a total of 24 destinations and offers passengers the largest network in the Caribbean. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at any InselAir ticket office, via, at InselAir’s Contact Center and via local travel agents.

Curacao – Manaus: the fastest connection from the Caribbean to Brazil
By launching this new route we offer passengers from Curacao and from our other destinations the fastest and easiest connection into Brazil”, says Jurgen Lippinkhof, Chief Commercial Officer from InselAir. “And from Manaus, passengers can easily connect to other destinations in Brazil, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo as therecently built airport in Manaus offers many of such connections”, ends Lippinkhof. With this new route InselAir will seamlessly connect other destinations including Bonaire, Curacao, Caracas, Las Piedras, Sto Domingo, Paramaribo, Port-of-Spain, Barquisimeto, Valencia, Miami, St. Maarten, Georgetown, Port-au-Prince and Havana to Manaus. For flight schedules and fares InselAir advises travelers to consult

2-for-1 special and flight schedule
InselAir offers a 2-for-1 special from Curacao to Manaus which is available at InselAir ticket offices, via InselAir Contact Center and at local travel agents for ANG 738 (total price for 2 tickets) and from Manaus to Curacao USD 418 (total price for 2 tickets). The 2-for-1 special is also available from above mentioned destinations to Manaus and vice versa. Fares are based on a round trip and including government taxes and excluding airport tax for Curacao. Passengers traveling from Las Piedras or Puerto Ordaz will also have to pay their airport tax at the airport. Booking period is until July 3rd, 2015 and travel period is from July 3rd until October 3rd, 2015Black-out dates are from August 24th until September 11th, 2015. Flights will be operated with a Fokker 70 and according to the following flight schedule. All times are local.


Flight Departure Curacao Arrival Manaus Day   
7i 773 08:50 PM 11:40 PM Mon, Fri
Flight # Departure Manaus Arrival Curacao Day
7i 774 02:30 AM 05:20 AM Tue, Sat


Curacao – Puerto Ordaz: InselAir’s 6th destination in Venezuela

Puerto Ordaz is the main part of the city of Ciudad Guyana in the state of Bolívar and is one of Venezuela’s fastest growing and largest cities. Puerto Ordaz is located at the confluence of the Caroní and Orinoco rivers and its main industries are iron, steel and aluminum. For leisure travelers, Puerto Ordaz offers many nature parks, such as Parque La Llovizna, a beautiful island in the Caroni River with many streams and waterfalls and Parque Cachamay, with spectacular rapids of the Caroni River. A must see are the Angel Falls, the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall (979 m), located approximately 260 km from Puerto Ordaz (50 minute flight).

Network campaign, introduction fares and flight schedule
As a part of the recently launched 1 million guilder international network campaign, InselAir is heavily promoting Curacao in Manaus and in Puerto Ordaz. Various channels are being used, such as local media (radio, tv, newspapers), social media and online marketing. InselAir offers from Curacao to Puerto Ordaz a starting from fare of ANG 346. All fares are based on a round trip and including government taxes and excluding Curacao Airport Tax.Flights will be operated with a MD and according to the following flight schedule. All times are local.


Flight # Departure Curacao Arrival Puerto Ordaz Day     
7i 641 08:45 PM 09:40 PM Tue, Sat
Flight # Departure Puerto Ordaz Arrival Curacao Day
7i 642 06:50 AM 08:45 AM Wed, Sun