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Kaso di Asesinato ta keda registra na Buena Vista

BREAKING NEWS : Kaso di Asesinato ta keda registra na Saonaweg na Buena Vista despues ku deskonosí nan ta los varios tiru riba un homber ku a kaba di baha for di un vehikulo. E viktima a risibí varios tiru I a muri na e sitio mes. Aworaki 11:40 pm dokter di polis a kaba di konstatá morto di e...

One dead, four injured in road accidents

PARAMARIBO — A man is dead and a woman is in the hospital following two separate, unrelated accidents Thursday afternoon, police have reported. Dead is 50-year-old Ramlochansing Merai. The police PR department reported that the man was riding his motorcycle in Van Drimmelenpolder in District Nickerie Thursday afternoon, when he was mowed down by a car. He was transported to the...

Fidel Castro appears in public after a 14 month absence

HAVANA, Cuba.– Revolutionary icon Fidel Castro made his first public appearance in 14 months, Cuba's state-run newspaper Granma reported today and confirmed that the former president had this week met with a Venezuelan delegation that had been invited to the island. Granma published four photographs on its website of the 88-year-old Castro seated inside a bus or van and shaking the...

Se eleva a 24 el número de muertos durante Semana Santa, según COE

SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE) reportó este domingo en su tercer boletín la muerte de 24 personas durante Semana Santa. Veinte personas perdieron la vida durante accidentes de tránsito, de las cuales ocho involucran motocicletas, seis vehículos livianos y seis por atropellamiento, mientras cuatro fallecieron por asfixia por inmersión. Durante este operativo realizaron 122 mil...

Four years for attempted manslaughter on appeal

GREAT BAY – The Common Court of Justice sentenced Edsel Servio Romney to 4 years of imprisonment yesterday for attempted manslaughter on a man called Walters on March 12 of last year. Solicitor-general Taco Stein had demanded a 5-year prison sentence but said that he was satisfied with the ruling. Romney, who celebrated his 37th birthday last Saturday in the...

Credit card swindler sentenced to 30 months

GREAT BAY – For fraud and complicity to fraud the Common Court of Justice sentenced Edward de Bies yesterday to a 30-month prison sentence. Solicitor-general Taco Stein demanded during the appeal hearing on March 12 a 36-month sentence. De Bies went on a shopping spree with forged credit cards between December 1, 2013 and February 7, 2014, whereby he bought...

ATM-skimmer gets 30 months

GREAT BAY – The Common Court of Justice acquitted one Bulgarian skimmer of all charges and sentenced a second one yesterday only for the possession of a skimming-device he had placed on an ATM of the Windward Islands Bank at the Sint Rose Arcade in  Philipsburg in September of last year. The court sentenced Apostol Vasilev Yanev to 30...

Fine for hitting man with bottle

GREAT BAY – Elecquo Richard Wilson signed for a conditional dismissal with the prosecutor’s office but did not follow it up. Hence he was in court on Thursday for hitting a man with a bottle after an argument at a supermarket in Middle Region on July 30, 2013. The court sentenced him to a 500-guilders fine, but it denied...

Court acquits defendant of attempted manslaughter

GREAT BAY – The Court in First Instance acquitted Carlos Adolphus I. yesterday morning of stabbing am man during a fight at the High Up bar in Simpson Bay on October 22, 2010. The prosecution demanded a 4-year prison sentence for attempted manslaughter, but the court denied it. The 32-year old defendant was involved in a fight at the High...

Endearing end to court case

GREAT BAY – The court case of a 29-year old man who is under treatment from the Mental Health Foundation for schizophrenia came to an endearing end when the defendant shook hands with the victim of a laptop-theft, saying, “I am sorry.” The victim’s answer showed that not all disputes have to end badly: “No problem,” he told the...

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