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Aksidente grave a tuma lugá awe mainta

Santa Rosa -- Aksidente grave a tuma lugá awe mainta na Seru Loraweg kaminda un pikop I outo tabata enbolbi. Mester a pidi Rescue Team di Brandweer pa yega i korta saka 2 viktima ku tabata pega. Paramedikonan di Ambulance a transporta e viktima nan pa poliklinika di Sehos pa tratamentu médiko. Departamentu di Tráfiko ta kontinuá ku e...

SAINT LUCIA *BREAKING NEWS*: Two killed in Castries within three hours

SAINT LUCIA -- Two persons were fatally shot in separate incidents in Castries between late Saturday night and early Sunday morning – marking St. Lucia’s first homicides for 2015. A homeless man, known as Tony, died off Chaussee Road, behind the Courts building, near Wilton’s Yard, also known as Graveyard. The incident occurred at around 11: 20 p.m. Saturday, April...

Surinamese police assault Guyana's Ambassador inside embassy in violation of international law

SURINAME -- Surinamese police allegedly assaulted the Guyana Ambassador to that neighbouring country, Keith George while he was blocking the arrest of his chauffeur inside the embassy in clear violation of international law. Guyana’s Foreign Ministry said George insisted that no arrest could take place on the premises because that would be a breach of the Vienna Convention, but the...

The Government of Montserrat has taken a decision to close down the Montserrat Development Corporation (MDC)

MONTSERRAT -- Like many, the Government has been raising concerns about MDC’s operations since before the election. In light of these concerns, we took decisive action in October 2014 to replace the Board, and also ordered the establishment of a Task Force to review MDC’s operations and governance arrangements. The Task Force recently completed its work and reported to the...

Summary Report on Montserrat Development Corporation (MDC) Task Force Review which led to the Government of Montserrat taking a decision to close down the MDC

Introduction 1. In January 2015 the Government of Montserrat and the Department for International Development (DfID) commenced a joint review of the Montserrat Development Corporation’s (MDC’s) Governance arrangements and operations, including leadership and management. The review was undertaken by a Task Force established by the Government, which included representation from DfID. 2. The Task Force Review of the Montserrat Development Corporation...

COE reporta 12 muertos en su segundo boletín durante asueto de Semana Santa

Por: Corina Rosario SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- Doce personas han fallecido de acuerdo al segundo boletín emitido este sábado por el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE), de estas muertes involucran nueve por accidente de tránsito, cinco que murieron a bordo de motocicletas, dos en vehículos livianos y dos por atropellamiento. El organismo reporta que otras tres personas fallecieron por...

Emergencias de hospitales de SD atienden más de 1700 personas en últimas 48 horas

SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- Más de 1700 personas han sido atendidas en las emergencias de al menos tres hospitales del gran Santo Domingo desde que inició en asueto de la Semana Santa, incluyendo los feriados de la misma. En la emergencia del Hospital Darío Contreras, que abrió sus puertas para estos fines el pasado miércoles, han atendido más de 400...

Al menos 7 muertos en accidente de tránsito en suroeste de Guatemala

GUATEMALA.- Al menos siete personas murieron este sábado y otras tres resultaron heridas en un accidente de tránsito registrado en el suroeste de Guatemala, informaron diversas fuentes. El siniestro, que involucró a un automóvil y un microbús, fue reportado por la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) en el kilómetro 115 de la carretera que conduce de la Ciudad de Guatemala al...

NEW DATA Registry to Enhance chamber SERVICES

PHIIPSBURG, Sint Maarten -- St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry (COCI) started the migration to a new data registry (COCI Registry). A project was undertaken by previous Board in an effort to enhance the quality of services offered by COCI. Having completed the implementation of the system with a commencement of data transfer in the latter part of 2014,...

Minister of Public Health Bourne-Gumbs Expresses Condolences on the Passing of Dr. Foeken

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Acting Minister of Public Health Hon. Rita Bourne-Gumbs on behalf of the Council of Ministers and Government of Sint Maarten, expresses her deepest condolences on the passing of Dr. Foeken. “I would like to express my condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Foeken.  It was sad to learn of his passing on Thursday. ...

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